Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How Your Smartphone Could Be Ruining Your Skin

I know what you guys are thinking: "What?! There is no way this is true." 
Well, think again. This article appealed to me, considering how I much our world is glued to their phones today, there has to be something bad about them, right? 

1) It causes breakouts: The LAST thing any female/male wants to hear. Yay, not only will I get pimples from my hormones, but hey, my smartphone will give them to me too! If you think about it, our phones contain so much bacteria and germs, from being inside our pockets, to our hands, to up close to our faces, the bacteria has easy access to invade our face and cause unwanted breakouts and rashes. A great way to prevent this is to clean your cell phone. Some use a dab of rubbing alcohol over the screen and others us cleaning supplies. As long as it won't damage your phone, you should be a-okay.

2) It keeps you up at night: Every teenager who owns a cellphone can easily plead guilty to this. Whether it's scrolling through unwanted Twitter feed or liking the latest pictures on Instagram, everyone has lost sleep because of their cellphone. Sleep is so important, for anyone at any age. I know for myself, if I do not get enough sleep, I wake up to dark circles around my eyes the next morning and I hate it. Not only will staying up to check your phone cause dark circles, but it was also make your face look dull and you won't have enough energy to make it through your day. The cure for this? Either put your phone on the other side of your room, so even if you are tempted to get up to check it, you'll remind yourself how lazy you are to get up and check it orrrr you can put your phone on 'Do Not Disturb' and trust that the social media and texting can wait until the morning. 

3) It can give you wrinkles: Say, what?! I'm 17.. wrinkles should not exist right now! But, when you are squinting at your phone to read a text, you are already allowing small wrinkles to develop around your eyes. Also, you know when you are in class and have your phone under your desk where your teacher cannot see? Yeah, that's bad for your back, neck, and eyesight. So, bring your phone closer to your face to read the information instead of straining your skin, back, and neck. 


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