Monday, February 2, 2015


Can y'all believe it's already February? This year is flying by! 

As I mentioned last month, Peaches and Cream will be undergoing some changes. As you can already tell, I added a background picture to the main page (it's peaches, btw). I'm working on adding some new components to my blog, just to spruce it up a bit. Besides the web page portion, I might also post less. I realized that readers read blogs for a reason. Whether it be for inspiration, help with an outfit, or a recipe, everyone reads for a reason. I've had this blog since 2012, but have not used it until August of last year. While I'm still in the early phases of blogging, I am still learning so much. As a reader of other blogs myself, I love seeing what bloggers post about, how they put it together, etc. They don't just post something last minute, they spend minutes and hours perfecting what they want to share with the world. As I will be posting less for now, I want to bring great content to my readers, not just something thrown together. Granted, it may just be a post about links, but I still hope that you all will gain something from what I share with you all. 

I hope you all continued to stay tuned and thank you for reading Peaches and Cream!

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