Well, it's that time of year again. Not only is Christmas coming in 3 weeks (ahh), the ending of a school semester is also approaching. At my school, we only have 4 classes per semester and they will switch in January to a brand new schedule, unless you take AP classes and that is all year. If you're like me, this can really be a stressful time. Even with the holidays, I still find myself very stressed out and very ready for Christmas break! I'm going to share with you all a few of my studying tips for finals week!
via Pinterest |
1) Create a schedule: Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Seriously. You do not want your week to be madness. Layout a study plan and everything else you want to accomplish for the week ahead of time.
2) Be positive: I am definitely struggling with this one this year. I have not been doing so well in one of my classes and it really is taking a toll on my overall mindset. My friends and parents have been supportive and remind me that it is only one grade. It does not define who you are and do the best you can!
3) Ask for help: This is a biggie if you don't understand something. Even if you don't want to ask your teacher, as a friend or a classmate. Someone will help you and might explain it in a way you can understand better.
4) Find a way that helps YOU learn the material: Sometimes if a teacher gives us a powerpoint with all of the notes, I will rewrite the entire thing because I think that helps me in remembering the information when it is in my own handwriting. Flashcards are excellent too in memorizing the material.
5) Reward yourself: At least Christmas is coming up and you can indulge into all of the sweets and foods without feeling guilty (maybe after the fact). This year, after my exams are all over and I am out of school, I am going to make an effort to embrace the holiday season and help others. I'm baking cookies for our local homeless shelter and helping out with Adopt a Child. I love giving back and helping people in need, especially this time of year. I know when school gets out for break, I will not feel as stressed which will impact my overall mood!
Happy studying!